Make sure you have saved all your progress, otherwise its lost!
So, you want to skip the tutorial?
It seems this is the first time you are playing Are you sure you want to start playing without using the tutorial? This is not recommended!
Join the discord!
The sandbox mode is exclusive for discord members. Join now to unlock it!
v2.6.8 04.03.2022
Fixed game not working with certain adblockers
v2.6.7 21.05.2020
Added link to my new game:
v2.6.6 01.05.2020
Minor performance improvements
Update translations
Change back to old resource textures
v2.6.5 21.06.2019
Minor fixes
Clean up front page
Added link to help translate
v2.6.4 08.05.2019
Updated resource artwork
v2.6.3 26.04.2019
Improved ingame chat system!
v2.6.2 08.04.2019
Minor fixes and improvements
v2.6.1 04.04.2019
Improved and resizeable chat
Enhanced the start page
Minor fixes and improvements
v2.6.0 01.04.2019
Ingame chat! Connect with other players from all over the world
v2.5.4 26.03.2019
Update translations
Fix savegame download in microsoft edge
Sounds and notifications when a building is destroyed now also appear with particles disabled
Decreased the amount of ingame video ads, in exchange showing one in the beginning
v2.5.3 13.03.2019
Update translations
v2.5.2 30.01.2019
Fix crash in Microsoft Edge (Use Chrome for the best experience)
v2.5.1 23.01.2019
Fix bug when moving camera while pressing space
Do not increase zombie speed past day 200 to avoid zombies getting stuck
Add Greek translations
v2.5.0 14.01.2019
Global Transport! There is now a skill which fixes lategame lag!
You can now download savegames instead of having to copy them
v2.4.0 05.12.2018
Resource statistics UI can now be toggled in the settings
Add introductory tutorial
Fix tooltips overlapping on small screens
Update translations
v2.3.3 03.09.2018
Fix smaller bugs
Revert music and sounds
Fix tutorial not working
Fix leaderboard shown on mobile
Update colors
v2.3.1 23.08.2018
Added Sell All option when holding shift in the building tooltip
Added Lithuanian Translations
v2.3.0 20.08.2018
Brand new save system! (Yes, you can import your old saves)
Days no longer get longer past day 100
Fix resource amounts not being updated while paused
Fix network recomputation sometimes getting stuck
Added a FAQ
v2.2.1 25.07.2018
Fix 'fill all' button in sandbox mode
Fix error when clicking follow button twice
v2.2.0 18.07.2018
Sandbox mode!
v2.1.2 16.07.2018
Smaller preparations for the next update
v2.1.1 11.07.2018
Fix bug regarding all settings being disabled by default
Fix some cheats
Improve ui on smaller resolutions
Make easy the default game mode
v2.1.0 09.07.2018
The map is now four times as big as previously!
Unfortunately, this makes old savegames incompatible. Sorry!
You can now hold M to increase the minimap size
Made invisible transporters available earlier
Added skills to place up to 12 crystals per resource
Fix crash when selling invisible transporters
Fix exploit when loading savegames multiple times
When a building got destroyed, show its icon and also an indicator on the minimap
Big numbers are now better formatted
Made easy mode easier, increased difficulty of the challenge mode
Minor fixes
v2.0.0 15.06.2018
Skill tree!
Save / Load your games! (very experimental)
Shield Towers!
Permanent Leaderboard (All Time / Today)!
19 New Levels, up to Level 30!
Show hints when unlocking new features
The resource visualizer (bottom left) now shows the demand instead of the stored amount of resources
Improve Performance by a lot
Zombies now collide with each other
Improve zombie AI
Multiple particles are now grouped together to save performance
When pressing ALT while placing, buildings will be upgraded automatically
Hold N / X or Alt and click on a building to upgrade / sell or max out it without having to open the tooltip
Allow pause during night
Add key to toggle GUI
Fix missing resources shown also while paused
The game no longer pauses on focus lost, instead when getting invisible
Also disable shoot animation when disabling particles
Remove collectable crystals on startup
Added map fog
Fix crystals sometimes being dropped when using long transport routes
Improve Defensive Towers, they don't shoot at enemies which will die anyways anymore
Show crystals over time statistics on gameover
Improved welcome screen and added blog posts
v1.9.1 25.05.2018
Defensive towers now have an animation when shooting
Mobile optimization
Improve page load speed
Fix zoom on firefox
Fix always showing 'Did you even play' on Gameover screen
GDPR compliance
v.1.9.0 20.05.2018
Sound effects!
Translations for various languages! Not all are fully translated yet - You can help translate them!
Add settings to disable particles and more
Show dialog when playing for the first time and not choosing the tutorial
Fix cannons sometimes not dealing damage when zombies come from the bottom
v.1.8.0 14.05.2018
New Levels! There is now level 8, 9, 10 and 11!
v1.7.1 11.05.2018
Fix zoom also scrolling page when running on thirdparty sites
Show current rank in leaderboard
v1.7.0 08.05.2018
Zooming! Use the mouse wheel to control the zoom level
Fix upgrade to max level option being permanent sometimes
v1.6.4 07.05.2018
Show transporter radius in detail view
v1.6.3 05.05.2018
Fast forward is now unlocked from the beginning
Improve validation token display on game over
Preparing for the next big update
v1.6.2 29.04.2018
Fix rendering bug causing the game to crash sometimes
v1.6.1 26.04.2018
Rewrote rendering code to improve performance, especially on later levels
Add keybinding to max out the current or all buildings to the maximum level. Check out the keybindings dialog!
Optimize page load speed
Prevent some cheats
v1.6.0 17.04.2018
Add ability to build while paused
Add animations when placing or upgrading buildings
Improved ui
Rebalance zombies
Make zombies die slower during day
Make buildings regenerate health slower
Draw connections between transporters different to regular connections
Make background on views more transparent
Fix player name getting reset to 'Player'
Decrease crystals dropped by zombies, increase crystal mine production
Add new attack animation to zombie bosses
Improve zombie target selection (Now they target buildings which block their way)
Improve placement of walls and transporters, esp. on lower FPS
v1.5.2 15.04.2018
Fix building tooltip shown on pause screen
Show indicator when a building was destroyed
v1.5.1 14.04.2018
Add fullscreen button
Add keybindings dialog
Add restart button
Disable fast forward during bosses
Improve cannon projectile speed
Add description to all views
Fix building tooltip closing when pressing shift
Cleaned up welcome screen
Rebalance towers
Make it more clear whether the player is in the leaderboard or not
Show pause overlay when leaving window
Show time until zombie boss spawns
v1.5.0 12.04.2018
Fix keyboard shortcuts not working sometimes
Added new utilization view
Fix zombies giving no gold when killed by lightning towers only
Increased transporter amount on high levels
Show on which level a building unlocks
Make the day-night indicator more visible
Stop placement when selecting the same building again or clicking on its icon
Buildings now emit resources with the speed of the transporter (In case they are connected to one)
Spawn initially at random position on the map
Minor tutorial improvements
v1.4.2 11.04.2018
Added interactive tutorial!
v1.4.1 10.04.2018
Improve transport view (allow hovering buildings)
Increase arrow factory limit
Increase crystal mine limit on level 7 to 16
Make lightning towers consume slightly more resources
Add advertisements
Disallow collecting gems with the mouse while paused
v1.4.0 09.04.2018
Fix radius of towers being smaller than displayed
Add new transport view
Make arrow towers consume up to 30% less arrows
New transporter icon
Improve bug reporter
Decrease crystal mine cost and increase throughput
Allow toggling pause with the spacebar
Fix ui bug
v1.3.3 08.04.2018
Added Leaderboard
Made Days longer, for example: 20s more on day 60, 50s on day 100
Add defense view
Show base in game over screen
Only spawn collectable crystals when the placer base was placed
Reduce panel alpha
v1.3.2 07.04.2018
Fast forward now permanently unlocks on day 15
Improve building tooltip
Fix mines producing excess resources
Cluster crystal particles to improve performance
v1.3.1 07.04.2018
Don't spawn resources out of map bounds
Improve storage display on defensive towers
Make exploding zombies more visible
v1.3.0 06.04.2018
Refactor transporter system to fix incorrect resource transport
Reduce available transporter amount on higher levels
v1.2.9 04.04.2018
New map generator
Prevent cheats (most of them)
Show circle around resources when placing mines
Removed low resolution warning (caused confusion)
v1.2.8 04.04.2018
Fix incorrect z-order or iron ores
Fix crash on game over
Make zombies die faster on days
v1.2.7 04.04.2018
Fix numbers not being displayed in firefox
Fix tooltip not hiding when dragging slowly
Balancing improvements
Huge performance improvements (esp. late game)
v1.2.6 03.04.2018
Added changelog
Improved balancing
Improved placement of walls and transporters
Added welcome screen
Improved ui
Added cursor key movement
Out of focus
Click to resume
Save Game
This is your savegame. Copy and store it somewhere
Load Game
Drag and drop your savegame file here to load it. This will make you lose your current progress.
Drag your savegame here
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1. Your browser is outdated. Get a newer one!
2. You have disabled thirdparty-cookies and site data. In chrome for example this setting is called "Block third-party cookies and site data".
After you fixed this, please reload the page!
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You are using an outdated browser. This game requires a recent browser, such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge!
Please install a newer browser and revisit the page!
This is the sandbox mode. Try out new base layouts here, you can upgrade your base up to the maximum achieved level in other gamemodes.